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I've always wanted to be great at something...

...but I never imagined it to be learning a new language and definitely not Korean. It's funny because I knew quite a few Korean people when I was growing up and at my past jobs, but I had never thought to learn the language then. To be honest, learning a new language wasn't a priority for me at the time.

Fast forward to now and I'll say it's one of my top priorities. I'm only fluent in English, but growing up, I took French in High School and in College, but I didn't continue with it. If I tried to speak it now, I wouldn't be able to hold a conversation or understand if I was just listening, however, I'm still able to read it. I can understand about 85% of the context. I just don't think French is something I'd want to continue now because I don't have anyone to speak it with. I'd just end up forgetting it. I don't consider myself to be a consistent person, so I think this is why I'm so determined to learn a language.

When I said I want to be great at something, I didn't mean my goal is to master Korean. I'd like to know enough to get by. For example, if I visited Korea on vacation or to understand the lyrics to my favourite kpop song or even understand a kdrama without having to use the subtitles would be an accomplishment for me. I'm on my way to making that dream come true as I write this and I will continue to document my progress while on this journey.


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